The Winterton Allotment Group is a group of local allotment holders and the Town Council. Don’t have an allotment but interested in coming along? Let us know, you are welcome to join us.
The Council has 28 allotments available to rent, these are located on Holmes Lane, Winterton.
Tenancy agreements Opens in a new window are renewed on an annual basis in January. The cost of renting a plot is £15.00 for the year.
We currently have a short waiting list for plots. If you would like to be added to the list*, please contact with your name, address and contact details.
*Please note that priority will be given to Winterton residents.
Winterton Allotment Group is proud to be part of the Safer Neighbourhoods Allotment Watch Scheme.
Allotment Group Meetings
Allotment Holders meet every 3 months, at the Town Council Office on West Street. Non allotment holders are welcome to attend.
Generic Agenda
The Allotment meetings follow a generic agenda:
- Welcome
- Apologies
- Recap of actions from previous meeting
- Points raised by Council
- Points raised by Allotment Holders
- Any Other Business
- Date of next meeting